Noah Ripstein



I’m an incoming Statistics PhD student at the University of Toronto. My research involves developing statistical methodology, computational techniques, and accessible software to solve data-centric challenges in science and healthcare. I’ve enjoyed working on Bayesian computation, hierarchical models, and spatial statistics.

I completed my undergraduate degree in McMaster University’s interdisciplinary “Artsci” program, with combined honours in Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, and a Math minor. I developed my deep interest in Statistics through computational neuroscience research, where I studied the “Bayesian brain hypothesis,” and worked on statistical models of human sensory perception and learning.

I’m currently taking a post-bachelor year of advanced statistics and math courses to prepare for my graduate studies.

In my free time, I like to hike, canoe, play chess, and follow the stock market.


Aug 30, 2024 🎉 The patent-pending multimodal ML product I built at RBC Amplify was awarded the “Industry Disruptor Award” by chief executives! Watch me in the Amplify promotional video here
Jun 10, 2024 🎉 I was honoured with the top academic prize for McMaster’s interdisciplinary Artsci program at my graduation! Laura Dodson Prize
Apr 29, 2024 🧠 I presented my undergraduate thesis, which involved Bayesian modeling of human sensory perception and learning, and also designing a Computer Vision program to automatically analyze video of participants performing an experiment. Read more here

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